"The Henry Ford's Innovation Nation" is a captivating Saturday morning show that airs weekly on CBS, inviting viewers to delve into the world of innovation. The program is skillfully guided by the esteemed host, Mo Rocca, known for his work as a news correspondent and a regular contributor to CBS Sunday Morning.
The show is not just about the host, however. Alie Ward, playing the role of a correspondent, adds another layer of depth to the program. Together, Mo and Alie take viewers on an enlightening journey, exploring the stories of contemporary change-makers from around the globe. These innovators are not just dreamers but doers, creating tangible solutions to real-world problems.
"The Henry Ford's Innovation Nation" is more than just a showcase of modern-day visionaries. It also offers a glimpse into the rich history of innovation. Each episode includes a story tied to The Henry Ford, an institution that houses the Archive of American Innovation. The Henry Ford offers a unique visitor experience, providing insights into innovations and inventions that have shaped our past and continue to influence our present. In partnership with Litton Entertainment, a leading independent production and distribution company, "The Henry Ford's Innovation Nation" aims to inspire its audience with a blend of entertaining and educational stories, sparking curiosity and igniting a passion for innovation.
Alie Ward was born on November 6, 1976 and is currently 47 years old.
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