Cast of
The Duke of Marylebone

About The Duke of Marylebone

  • Released on July 14, 2024
  • Comedy

Rupert Siskin, a humble food taster from London, becomes an everyday villain to impress the woman he loves, Lisa. He eventually gets into politics to become a perfect thief.

Full Cast of The Duke of Marylebone

Ninette Finch
plays Ms. Anderson

Ninette Finch as Ms. Anderson

Ninette Finch is an actress, known for I Am Bob, Juliet, Naked and A Christmas Carol.

See Ninette Finch's other roles

Tim Heath
plays PM Pinkerton

Lily Smith
plays Medea

Mark Joseph
plays Rupert

Charlotte Mack
plays Lisa

Nick Murphy
plays Dr. Zorhoff

Maxine Howard
plays Amanda

Crew of The Duke of Marylebone

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