Cast and Crew of The Crucifer of Blood

Cast of
The Crucifer of Blood

About The Crucifer of Blood

A beautiful young woman asks Holmes to help her father, a former army captain and hopeless opium addict break free of the curse surrounding a stolen treasure.

Full Cast of The Crucifer of Blood

Charlton Heston
plays Sherlock Holmes

Charlton Heston as Sherlock Holmes

Charlton Heston was an American actor of film, theatre and television. Heston is known for heroic roles in films such...

See Charlton Heston's other roles

Richard Johnson
plays Dr. Watson

Susannah Harker
plays Irene St. Claire

Edward Fox
plays Alistair Ross

John Castle
plays Neville St. Claire

Simon Callow
plays Inspector Lestrade

Simon Callow as Inspector Lestrade

Simon Phillip Hugh Callow CBE (born 15 June 1949) is an English actor, writer, theatre and opera director. Descripti...

See Simon Callow's other roles

Clive Wood
plays Jonathan Small

Clive Wood as Jonathan Small

Clive Wood (born 1954) is an English actor. Born in Croydon, Surrey, Wood's first starring TV role was as Vic Brown,...

See Clive Wood's other roles

Kiran Shah
plays Tonga

Kiran Shah as Tonga

In 2004, Kiran was back in New Zealand filming Le monde de Narnia: chapitre 1 - Le lion, la sorcière blanche et l'arm...

See Kiran Shah's other roles

Lloyd McGuire
plays P.C. Hopkins

Stefan Kalipha
plays Wali Dad

Kaleem Janjua
plays Durga Dass

James Coyle
plays Birdy Johnson

Sidney Livingstone
plays Mordecai Smith

Roly Lamas
plays Leper

Crew of The Crucifer of Blood

Discover the backstage crew of The Crucifer of Blood →