In the world of 1930s Negro League baseball, a spirited team of renegade players travels around the Midwest looking for that one big score. Richard Pryor, Billy Dee Williams, and James Earl Jones star as three barnstorming ballplayers who take on prejudice and their own League's unfair rules while stealing cars, food and home base - anything to prove that they're the best team around. It's a showdown of brains over booby traps and sportsmanship over racial segregation as Bingo Long's All-Stars swing their way into a winning season;.
William December "Billy Dee" Williams Jr. (born April 6, 1937) is an American actor, voice actor, and artist. He is b...
James Earl Jones (born January 17, 1931) is a multi-award-winning American actor of theater and film, well known for ...
Jophery C. Brown was born on January 22, 1945 and passed away 10 years ago at the age of 68 on January 11, 2014.