Cast and Crew of The Big Cigar

Cast of
The Big Cigar

About The Big Cigar

A Black Panther leader teams up with an unlikely ally—a Hollywood producer—to elude a nationwide manhunt and escape to Cuba while being pursued by the FBI.

Full Cast of The Big Cigar

Jim Hellwig
plays The Ultimate Warrior

Robert Remus
plays Sgt. Slaughter

Khosrow Vaziri
plays Col. Mustafa

Adnan Al Kassie
plays Gen. Adnan

Curt Hennig
plays Mr. Perfect

Joe Laurinaitis
plays Animal

Michael James Hegstrand
plays Hawk

Brian Yandrisovitz
plays Brian Knobbs

Jerome Saganovich
plays Jerry Sags

Ted DiBiase Sr.
plays "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase

Ray Traylor
plays The Big Boss Man

Jacques Rougeau
plays The Mountie

Mike Rotunda
plays Irwin R. Schyster

John Wisniski Jr.
plays Greg "The Hammer" Valentine

Davey Boy Smith
plays "The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith

Kerry Adkisson
plays The Texas Tornado

Rick Blood Sr.
plays The Dragon

Ray Fernandez
plays The Mighty Hercules

Paul Centopani
plays "Pretty" Paul Roma

John Tenta Jr.
plays Earthquake

Robert Miller
plays Cousin Butch

Brian Wickens
plays Cousin Luke

Elizabeth Hulette
plays Miss Elizabeth

Sid Eudy
plays Sid Justice (Special Guest Referee)

Sherri Russell
plays Sensational Sherri (Valet)

André Roussimoff
plays André The Giant (Ringside)

Jimmy Hart
plays Jimmy Hart (Manager)

Ken Johnson
plays Slick (Manager)

Crew of The Big Cigar