The Ambiguously Gay Duo is an American animated comedy sketch that debuted on The Dana Carvey Show before moving to its permanent home on Saturday Night Live. It is created and produced by Robert Smigel and J. J. Sedelmaier as part of the Saturday TV Funhouse series of sketches. It follows the adventures of Ace and Gary, voiced by Stephen Colbert and Steve Carell, respectively, two superheroes whose sexual orientation is a matter of dispute, and a cavalcade of characters preoccupied with the question.
Stephen Tyrone Colbert (born May 13, 1964) is an American political satirist, writer, comedian, television host, and ...
See Stephen Colbert's other roles →Steven John Carell (born August 16, 1962) is an American actor and comedian. He played Michael Scott in The Office (2...
See Steve Carell's other roles →American actor, comedian and author Tracy Jamal Morgan is best known for his eight seasons as a cast member on Satur...
See Tracy Morgan's other roles →William Thomas Hader Jr. (born June 7, 1978) is an American actor, comedian, writer, and producer. He is the creator,...
See Bill Hader's other roles →