Cast and Crew of The 14

Cast of
The 14

About The 14

  • Released on June 15, 1973
  • Drama

Set in London’s East End, The 14 (aka The Wild Little Bunch aka Existence) is based on the true story of fourteen children who struggle against overwhelming pressures to stay together after the death of their single mother.

Full Cast of The 14

Jack Wild
plays Reg

June Brown
plays The Mother

Cheryl Hall
plays Reena

Alun Armstrong
plays Tommy

Liz Edmiston
plays Sylvia

John Bailey
plays Mr. Sanders

Diana Reevers
plays Miss Field

Keith Buckley
plays Mr. Whitehead

Anna Wing
plays Mrs. Booth

Tony Calvin
plays Father Morris

Frank Gentry
plays Terry

Anne Dyson
plays Mrs. Gibbs

Malcolm Tierney
plays Mr. Michael

Malcolm Tierney as Mr. Michael

Malcolm Tierney was born on February 25, 1938 and is currently 86 years old.

See Malcolm Tierney's other roles

Matthew Guinness
plays Reporter

Guy Standeven
plays Doctor

John Tatham
plays Policeman

Crew of The 14

Discover the backstage crew of The 14 →