Cast and Crew of Terry the Tomboy

Cast of
Terry the Tomboy

About Terry the Tomboy

Terry the Tomboy centers around a confident, bacon-loving and shower-deficient tomboy whose summer goal is to win the county fair pie-eating contest. After meeting her new neighbor Brett (Charlie Depew, The Amazing Spiderman), she isn’t so interested in pie anymore and realizes the worst thing has happened — she’s a tomboy who has fallen in love.

Full Cast of Terry the Tomboy

Lia Marie Johnson
plays Terry

Noland Ammon
plays Duncanty

Charlie DePew
plays Brett

Charlie DePew as Brett

Charlie DePew was born on May 22, 1996 and is currently 28 years old.

See Charlie DePew's other roles

Christopher Bones
plays Brian

Tiffany Espensen
plays Wallaine Rapkin

Tiffany Espensen as Wallaine Rapkin

Tiffany Espensen (born February 10, 1999) is an American actress. She began her career as a child actress, before bec...

See Tiffany Espensen's other roles

Kelsy Abbott
plays Mother

Eric Acosta
plays Father

Jennifer Elise Cox
plays Unfathomable Aunt Peyton

Jennifer Elise Cox as Unfathomable Aunt Peyton

Jennifer Elise Cox was born on November 29, 1969 and is currently 54 years old.

See Jennifer Elise Cox's other roles

Crew of Terry the Tomboy

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