Russell Crowe stars as Detective Cristofuoro, a semi-retired police officer who is trying to unravel the past to discover whether a violent teenager, Eric Poole (Jon Foster), was responsible for the murder of his family. Sophie Traub co-stars as Lori, the teenage runaway who falls under Eric's spell. Based on the novel by Robert Cormier.
Russell Ira Crowe (born 7 April 1964) is an actor. He was born in New Zealand, spent ten years of his childhood in Au...
See Russell Crowe's other roles →Laura Elizabeth Dern (born February 10, 1967) is an American actress and filmmaker. She is the recipient of numerous ...
See Laura Dern's other roles →Michael Joseph Kelly (born May 22, 1969) is an American actor. Description above from the Wikipedia article Michael ...
See Michael Kelly's other roles →Arija Bareikis was born on 21 July 1966 in Bloomington, Indiana. She attended Bloomington High School South from 1980...
See Arija Bareikis's other roles →Tim Hopper is an actor.
See Tim Hopper's other roles →Tanya Clarke was born on February 2, 1972 and is currently 52 years old.
See Tanya Clarke's other roles →