Cast and Crew of Tankhouse

Cast of

About Tankhouse

  • Released on May 13, 2022
  • Comedy

After being blacklisted from the NYC theatre industry, two Upper East Side New Yorkers, Tucker and Sandrene, decide their only course of action is to move to Fargo, North Dakota and start a theatrical revolution.

Full Cast of Tankhouse

Luke Spencer Roberts
plays Brady

Richard Kind
plays Morten

Richard Kind as Morten

Richard Bruce Kind (born November 22, 1956) is an American actor and comedian. He is known for his roles as Dr. Mark ...

See Richard Kind's other roles

Joe Adler
plays Yorick

Joe Adler as Yorick

Joe Adler is an actor.

See Joe Adler's other roles

Stephen Friedrich
plays Tucker

Stephen Friedrich as Tucker

Stephen Friedrich is an American stage and screen actor with a BFA from the University of North Carolina School of th...

See Stephen Friedrich's other roles

Andy Buckley
plays Bob

Andy Buckley as Bob

Andy Buckley is an American film and television actor and screenwriter, best known for his portrayal of David Wallace...

See Andy Buckley's other roles

Christopher Lloyd
plays Buford

Christopher Lloyd as Buford

Christopher Allen Lloyd (born October 22, 1938) is an American actor. He has appeared in many theater productions, fi...

See Christopher Lloyd's other roles