After a comet disrupts the rain cycle of Earth, the planet has become a desolate, barren desert by the year 2033. With resources scarce, Kesslee — head of the powerful and evil Water & Power Corporation, the de facto government — has taken control of the water supply. Unwilling to cower under Kesslee's tyrannical rule, a pair of outlaws known as Tank Girl and Jet Girl rise up, joining the mysterious rebel Rippers to destroy the corrupt system.
Malcolm McDowell is an English actor with a career spanning over forty years. McDowell is principally known for his r...
Tracy Morrow (born February 16, 1958), better known by his stage name Ice-T, is an American musician and actor. He w...
Naomi Ellen Watts (born 28 September 1968) is a British actress. After her family moved to Australia, she made her fi...
Jeff Kober was born on December 18, 1953 and is currently 70 years old.
Don Patrick Harvey II is an American actor and voice actor. Harvey was born and raised in St. Clair Shores, Michigan,...
Ann Cusack (born May 22, 1961) is an American actress.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Iggy Pop (born James Newell "Jim" Osterberg, Jr.; April 21, 1947) is an Ame...
James Hong (born February 22, 1929) is a Chinese American actor and former president of the Association of Asian/Paci...
Richard Schiff (born May 27, 1955) is an American actor. He is best known for playing Toby Ziegler on the NBC televis...
Mary Ann Hermansen is an actress.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Ann Magnuson (born January 4, 1956) is an American actress, performance artis...
The youngest of four brothers, Doug Jones was born on May 24, 1960 in Indianapolis, Indiana, and grew up in the city'...
Anne Fletcher (born May 1, 1966) is an American film director and choreographer. Fletcher took dance lessons as a ch...
Franklin Wendell Welker (born March 12, 1946) is an American voice actor with an extensive career spanning nearly six...