Cast of
Sweet and Bitter

About Sweet and Bitter

  • Released on January 01, 1966
  • Drama

At the beginning of the thirties the sour, boring life of the Hungarian small town is enlivened by a charity action: with the lead of the beautiful wife of the attorney funds are raised for the orphans.

Full Cast of Sweet and Bitter

Miklós Szakáts

Miklós Szakáts

Miklós Szakáts was born on April 30, 1920 and passed away 39 years ago at the age of 64 on October 22, 1984.

See Miklós Szakáts's other roles

Antal Páger

Antal Páger

Antal Páger was born on January 29, 1899 and passed away 37 years ago at the age of 87 on December 14, 1986.

See Antal Páger's other roles