Cast and Crew of Survive the Savage Sea

Cast of
Survive the Savage Sea

About Survive the Savage Sea

After their 43-foot schooner was stove in by a pod of killer whales, the six members of the Robertson family spend 37 days adrift in the Pacific with no maps, compass, or navigational instruments.They use every survival technique they can as they battle 20-foot waves, marauding sharks, thirst, starvation, and exhaustion.

Full Cast of Survive the Savage Sea

Robert Urich
plays Jack Carpenter

Ali MacGraw
plays Claire Carpenter

Danielle von Zerneck
plays Susan

David Franklin
plays Wally

David Daniels
plays Timmy

Gus Mercurio
plays Mr. Haines

Betty Bobbitt
plays Mrs. Haines

Peter Sumner
plays Buzz

Peter Sumner as Buzz

Peter Sumner was born on January 29, 1942 and passed away 7 years ago at the age of 74 on November 22, 2016.

See Peter Sumner's other roles

John Heywood
plays Commander

Michael Bishop
plays Howard

David Tipoki
plays Fishing Captain

Pahnie Jantzen
plays First Mate

Crew of Survive the Savage Sea

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