Cast of
Summer Clouds

About Summer Clouds

  • Released on August 11, 1957
  • Comedy

The twenty-year-old Gida, having just survived his first amorous disappointment, falls for Katinka, the young widow, at first sight.

Full Cast of Summer Clouds

Karola Zala

Marianne Krencsey
plays Katinka

Marianne Krencsey as Katinka

Marianne Krencsey was born on July 9, 1931 and passed away 8 years ago at the age of 84 on March 30, 2016.

See Marianne Krencsey's other roles

János Horkay
plays Passenger

János Horkay was born on April 11, 1924 and passed away 13 years ago at the age of 86 on June 19, 2010.

See János Horkay's other roles

Crew of Summer Clouds

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