"Strays" is a gripping drama that follows the lives of two brothers, Nick and Elliot, who are small-time thieves living a life of excess. The film is centered around the tumultuous relationship between the two siblings, who, despite their differences, are bound by a strong bond of brotherhood. Nick, played by Richard Madden, is the older of the two and is known for his reckless and impulsive behavior. He is a charismatic and charming character, but his addiction to the thrill of their criminal activities often puts him and his brother in danger.
On the other hand, Andrew Hawley's character, Elliot, is the more reserved and level-headed of the two. He is the one who tries to keep Nick grounded and away from trouble, but as the film progresses, he finds it increasingly difficult to reign in his brother's manic behavior. Despite his best efforts, Elliot is unable to prevent Nick from spiraling out of control, leading to a series of events that put both of their lives at risk.
The film explores the themes of brotherhood, loyalty, and the consequences of one's actions. It is a thrilling ride that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats as they follow the brothers' journey. While Nick and Elliot may belong together, the film ultimately suggests that for their own good, they need to be apart. The film is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys a good drama with complex characters and a gripping storyline. With its talented cast and thought-provoking themes, "Strays" is a movie that is sure to leave a lasting impression on its audience.
Richard Madden (born June 18, 1986) is a Scottish actor. He was cast in his first role at age 11 and made his screen ...
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