Cast and Crew of Stray

Cast of

About Stray

  • Released on December 12, 2017
  • Drama

Fifteen year-old Ben Garber has a secret. A secret which leads him to infiltrate the household of a family in a neighboring town...

Full Cast of Stray

Shaw Jones
plays Sean Ackert

James Blakely
plays Ben Garber

Michelle Murphy
plays Colleen Garber

L.J. Burns
plays Lucas Ackert

Elizabeth Sandy
plays Kat Ackert

Raegan Revord
plays Zoe Ackert

Raegan Revord as Zoe Ackert

Raegan is an American child actress. She was born on January 3, 2008, in the United States. She made her debut with t...

See Raegan Revord's other roles

Crew of Stray

Discover the backstage crew of Stray →