Cast and Crew of Strange Bedfellows

Cast of
Strange Bedfellows

About Strange Bedfellows

  • Released on April 22, 2004

Two 'very straight' old timers have to learn how to pass as a loving gay couple after falsely claiming same-sex status to take advantage of newly legislated tax laws.

Full Cast of Strange Bedfellows

Paul Hogan
plays Vince Hopgood

Michael Caton
plays Ralph Williams

Pete Postlethwaite
plays Russell McKenzie (taxman)

Pete Postlethwaite as Russell McKenzie (taxman)

Pete Postlethwaite was an English stage, film and television actor. After minor television appearances including in T...

See Pete Postlethwaite's other roles

Roy Billing
plays Fred Coulson

Alan Cassell
plays Stan Rogers

Andy Pappas
plays Post Van Driver

Paula Duncan
plays Yvonne Philpot

Kevin Dee
plays Hughie

Stewart Faichney
plays Sergeant Jack Jenkins

Simon Paton
plays Red

Shane Withington
plays Father Xavier Delaney

Glynn Nicholas
plays Eric

Crew of Strange Bedfellows

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