Cast of
Still Not Quite Human

About Still Not Quite Human

  • Released on January 01, 1992

In the final film of the series, Chip and his "father" attend a robotics convention. Here, Dr. Carson is kidnapped and replaced by an android. Can Chip and his newfound friends save Dr. Carson from a dangerous competitor?

Full Cast of Still Not Quite Human

Michael J Rogers
plays Photographer

Michael J Rogers as Photographer

Michael J Rogers was born on May 18, 1964 and is currently 60 years old.

See Michael J Rogers's other roles

Veena Sood
plays Autograph Woman

Jerry Wasserman
plays Tourist Man

Jerry Wasserman as Tourist Man

Jerry Wasserman was born on November 2, 1945 and is currently 78 years old.

See Jerry Wasserman's other roles

Denalda Williams
plays Airport Guard

Denalda Williams as Airport Guard

Denalda Williams is an American actress. She is known for Are We There Yet? as Suzanne's Co-Worker, Chaos Theory as t...

See Denalda Williams's other roles

Stephen E. Miller
plays Sgt. Murphy

Alan Thicke
plays Jonas Carson / Bonus

Alan Thicke as Jonas Carson / Bonus

Thicke was born in Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Canada, the son of Shirley "Joan" Isobel Marie (née Greer), a nurse, and W...

See Alan Thicke's other roles

Frances Flanagan
plays Photo Woman

Crew of Still Not Quite Human

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