Cast and Crew of Still Life

Cast of
Still Life

About Still Life

  • Released on November 28, 2013
  • Drama

A council case worker looks for the relatives of those found dead and alone.

Full Cast of Still Life

Eddie Marsan
plays John May

Eddie Marsan as John May

Edward Maurice Charles Marsan (born 9 June 1968) is an English actor. He won the London Film Critics Circle Award and...

See Eddie Marsan's other roles

Joanne Froggatt
plays Kelly Stoke

Joanne Froggatt as Kelly Stoke

Joanne Froggatt (born 23 August 1980) is a British actress.

See Joanne Froggatt's other roles

Karen Drury
plays Mary

Andrew Buchan
plays Mr Pratchett

Neil D'Souza
plays Shakthi

Tim Potter
plays Homeless Man

Michael Elkin
plays Caretaker

Paul Anderson
plays Homeless Man

Paul Anderson as Homeless Man

Paul Anderson is an English actor who started his acting career in the late 2000s. He was previously a ticket scalper...

See Paul Anderson's other roles

Bronson Webb
plays Morgue Attendant

Bronson Webb as Morgue Attendant

Bronson Webb was born on February 20, 1983 and is currently 41 years old.

See Bronson Webb's other roles

Lee Nicholas Harris
plays Police Chief Superintendant

Colin Hoult
plays Cemetery Manager

Wayne Foskett
plays Garry

Hebe Beardsall
plays Lucy

Deborah Frances-White
plays Miss Pilger

Crew of Still Life

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