Spiral Zone is a 1987 American science-fiction animated series produced by Atlantic-Kushner-Locke. Based in part from a toy line made by Japanese company Bandai, the series focused on an international group of soldiers fighting to free the world from a scientist who controls much of the Earth's surface. It only ran for one season, with a total count of 65 episodes.
Tonka acquired the license from Bandai and created a different treatment to the series, plus a short-lived toy line. Spiral Zone is known among fans as a series that stood out from other contemporary cartoons of the 80s because of its dark story. The series has not been officially released on DVD by Hasbro, who had acquired Tonka in the 90s, including all the copyrights to their properties.
J.P. Romano is known for Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007), Minority Report (2002) and Battlefield Eart...
Joel Kramer was born on September 10, 1957 and is currently 67 years old.
Jon Polito (born December 29, 1950 — September 1, 2016) was an American actor. In a career spanning 35 years and over...
Franklin Wendell Welker (born March 12, 1946) is an American voice actor with an extensive career spanning nearly six...
Michael Bell is an American actor and voice actor.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Mona Marshall (born Mona Mortica Ianotti on August 31, 1947) is an American vo...