Cast of
Sorority Slaughterhouse

About Sorority Slaughterhouse

  • Released on June 01, 2015
  • Horror

Five sorority girls with dark secrets, including one who just committed murder and another with a mysterious past, awaken one morning to find themselves locked inside their sorority house. Helplessly trapped with a escaped axe maniac.

Full Cast of Sorority Slaughterhouse

Anthony Caravella
plays Marcus

Brianna Joy Chomer
plays Kitty

Vince Hill-Bedford
plays Richard

Jessica Morris
plays Allie

Jessica Morris as Allie

Jessica Morris is an American film and television actress.

See Jessica Morris's other roles

Jean Louise O'Sullivan
plays Fawn

Alexia Quinn
plays Nina

Eric Roberts
plays Whitman

Eric Roberts as Whitman

An American actor. His career began with a well-received performance in King of the Gypsies (1978), for which he earn...

See Eric Roberts's other roles

Kelli Seymour
plays Victoria

Crew of Sorority Slaughterhouse

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