Some Girls is a British comedy series written by Bernadette Davis that airs on BBC Three. The show stars Adelayo Adedayo, Mandeep Dhillon, Alice Felgate, Natasha Jonas, Dolly Wells, Colin Salmon, Jassa Ahluwalia and Franz Drameh. It debuted on 6 November 2012 and the first series ran for six episodes.
BBC Three announced at the end of the first series that the show would return for a second series. On 18 September 2013, they confirmed that each episode of the second series will premiere on BBC iPlayer a week ahead of being broadcast on BBC Three. The first episode became available on iPlayer on 23 September and will be broadcast on BBC Three on 30 September with the rest of the series following that trend.
Mandeep Dhillon (born 21 December 1990) is a British actress. She has appeared in such films as David Brent: Life on ...
Jassa Ahluwalia was born on September 12, 1990 and is currently 34 years old.
Franz Alhusaine Drameh (born 5 January 1993) is an English actor. His film debut was in Clint Eastwood's fantasy dram...
McKell David is an actor, known for The Irregulars (2021), The Gentlemen (2019) and Black Mirror (2011).
Harris Dickinson (born 24 June 1996) is an English actor. He is known for starring in the drama Beach Rats (2017), fo...