Cast of

About Smugglers

  • Released on September 23, 1958
  • Drama

In the thirties, the poor living by the Romanian-Hungarian border, were forced to smuggling if they wanted to survive. Mihály, the Hungarian peasant, kills a border guard while fleeing. He is fed up with smuggling and wants to put an end to it, yet he needs money to get a job so he embarks on another turn.

Full Cast of Smugglers

András Tassy

Béla Barsi
plays Román gazda

Béla Barsi as Román gazda

Béla Barsi was born on January 23, 1906 and passed away 56 years ago at the age of 62 on April 30, 1968.

See Béla Barsi's other roles

Alfréd Deésy

Alfréd Deésy

Alfréd Deésy was born on September 22, 1877 and passed away 62 years ago at the age of 83 on July 18, 1961.

See Alfréd Deésy's other roles

Sándor Siménfalvy

Crew of Smugglers

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