In a small town in Massachusetts, four high school girls perform a ritual in an attempt to debunk the lore of Slender Man. When one of the girls goes mysteriously missing, they begin to suspect that she is, in fact, his latest victim.
Joey Lynn King (born July 30, 1999) is an American actress. She first gained recognition for portraying Ramona Quimby...
See Joey King's other roles →Kevin Chapman is an American actor known for his big build and ability to play an assortment of characters ranging fr...
See Kevin Chapman's other roles →From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Michael Reilly Burke (born June 27, 1964) is an American actor. He played Rex ...
See Michael Reilly Burke's other roles →Michael Tow is known for Sound of Metal (2019), Lucky Grandma (2019) and The Blacklist (2013).
See Michael Tow's other roles →