"Sleepers" is a gripping drama that dives deep into the themes of trauma, revenge, and justice. The narrative follows two childhood friends, Lorenzo "Shakes" Carcaterra and Michael Sullivan, alongside their companions, who endure harrowing experiences during their time at a juvenile facility. Among those who inflict psychological and physical torment is Sean Nokes, played chillingly by Kevin Bacon. As the years pass, these friends, scarred by their past, find themselves transformed into adults filled with rage and a desire for retribution against the man who exploited their vulnerability during their formative years.
As the story unfolds, the complexities of revenge versus morality come into play. The film captures the emotional turmoil experienced by the characters as they grapple with their traumatic experiences. Robert De Niro’s character, Father Bobby, becomes a vital figure in this journey; he serves as a mentor and moral compass for Shakes, attempting to navigate the dark undercurrents of vengeance that threaten to consume them. The friendship at the heart of "Sleepers" is tested as they pursue justice, highlighting their internal conflicts and the moral implications of their quest for retribution.
A sensational courtroom drama ensues as the friends confront the legal system in their pursuit of justice. The intensity of the trial is palpable, and tensions rise as the past is unearthed, laying bare the complexities of guilt, innocence, and accountability. With powerful performances from the ensemble cast, the courtroom scenes are not only a battle for justice but also a profound exploration of the psychological scars left behind by systemic abuse. As the film progresses, viewers are left to ponder the delicate balance between seeking revenge and finding peace, which ultimately elevates "Sleepers" to a thought-provoking exploration of human morality and the consequences of revenge.
Kevin Norwood Bacon (born July 8, 1958) is an American film and theater actor whose notable roles include Animal Hous...
Robert Anthony De Niro (born August 17, 1943) is an American actor. Known for his collaborations with Martin Scorsese...
Dustin Lee Hoffman (born August 8, 1937) is an American actor and filmmaker. He is known for his versatile portrayals...
William Bradley Pitt (born December 18, 1963) is an American actor and film producer. He is the recipient of various ...
Amelia Fiona Jessica "Minnie" Driver (born January 31, 1970) is an English actress and singer. She's best known for h...
William Gaither Crudup (born July 8, 1968) is an American actor. He is a four-time Tony Award nominee, winning once f...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Ronald Jason "Ron" Eldard (born February 20, 1965) is an American actor. Elda...
Frank Medrano was born on April 9, 1954 and is currently 70 years old.
Peter Appel, born October 19, 1959 in New York City, New York, USA, is an American actor. He plays Alby Gold in Board...
Gerry Becker was born on April 11, 1951 and is currently 73 years old.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Eugene Byrd (born August 28, 1975) is an American actor. He has been in movie...
Lennie Loftin is known for Logan (2017), Knight and Day (2010) and 3:10 to Yuma (2007).
Danny Mastrogiorgio was born on October 26, 1964 and is currently 60 years old.
Pat McNamara was born on July 22, 1933, in New York City, New York, USA. He is an actor, known for Airplane II: The S...
Peter McRobbie is a Scottish-born American character actor, best known for his roles as Pop Pop Jamison in the 2015 h...
James Pickens, Jr. (born October 26, 1954) is an American actor. He is best known for his starring role as Dr. Richar...
Wendell Pierce (born December 8, 1962) is an American actor, best known for his portrayal of Detective Bunk Moreland ...
Peter Rini is an actor.
John M. Slattery, Jr. (born August 13, 1962) is an American actor and director, best known for his role as Roger Ster...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Aida Turturro (born September 25, 1962) is an American actress probably be...