Cast of
Slasher: Solstice

About Slasher: Solstice

  • Released on May 23, 2019
  • Horror

Solstice is centered on a group of neighbors who are targeted during the summer solstice period due to their complicity in not saving a murder victim who was killed one year earlier in front of their apartment complex.

Full Cast of Slasher: Solstice

Erin Karpluk
plays Kaili Greenberg

Erin Karpluk as Kaili Greenberg

Erin Karpluk (born October 17, 1978) is a Canadian television actress. She is best known for her leading roles in God...

See Erin Karpluk's other roles

Ilan Muallem
plays Joe Lickers

Ilan Muallem as Joe Lickers

Ilan Muallem was born on April 16, 1982 and is currently 42 years old.

See Ilan Muallem's other roles

Dean McDermott
plays Dan Olenski

Dean McDermott as Dan Olenski

Dean McDermott (born November 16, 1966) is a Canadian-American actor best known for marrying Tori Spelling and the TV...

See Dean McDermott's other roles