Cast of

About Slap

  • Released on June 19, 2014
  • Drama

A teenage boxer searching for self-definition gives in to his true colours at the risk of losing everything.

Full Cast of Slap

Joe Cole
plays Connor

Joe Cole as Connor

Joseph Michael Cole (born 28 November 1988) is an English actor from Kingston, London. Some of his most notable roles...

See Joe Cole's other roles

Stephen Bent
plays George

Elliott Tittensor
plays Archie

Elliott Tittensor as Archie

Elliott John Tittensor is an English film and television actor, best known for his role of Carl Gallagher in the Chan...

See Elliott Tittensor's other roles

Skye Lourie
plays Lola

Adam Craigmile
plays Boxing Opponent

Lucia Young
plays Nina

Joel Honeywell
plays Thug

Crew of Slap

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