Cast of
She's a Sweetheart

About She's a Sweetheart

  • Released on December 07, 1944
  • Music

In this musical drama, a woman turns her mansion into a boarding house for soldiers on furlough, providing them with room, board, and musical entertainment.

Full Cast of She's a Sweetheart

Jane Frazee
plays Maxine Lecour

Larry Parks
plays Rocky Hill

Jane Darwell
plays Mom

Nina Foch
plays Jeanne

Nina Foch as Jeanne

Nina Foch (born Nina Consuelo Maud Fock; April 20, 1924 – December 5, 2008) was a Dutch American actress. After signi...

See Nina Foch's other roles

Ross Hunter
plays Paul

Jimmy Lloyd
plays Pete Ryan

Loren Tindall
plays Jimmy Loomis

Carole Mathews
plays Frances

Eddie Bruce
plays Fred Tilly

Kaye Dowd
plays Hostess

Blake Edwards
plays Soldier

Selmer Jackson
plays General

Crew of She's a Sweetheart

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