The world has become a slaughtering ground for the Crimson Denizens, mysterious beings from a parallel universe who thrive on the life energy of humans. These merciless murderers only leave behind scant remainders of souls called "Torches," which are mere residues that will eventually be destroyed, along with the very fact of the victims' existence from the minds of the living. In an ambitious endeavor to put an end to this invisible, hungry massacre, warriors called Flame Hazes relentlessly fight these monsters.
One fateful day, Yuuji Sakai ceases to be a regular high schooler—he becomes trapped in a crevice of time and is suddenly attacked by a Denizen. Coming to his rescue just in the nick of time is a nameless hunter who seems no different from an ordinary young girl except for her blazing eyes and burning crimson hair. However, before Yuuji can learn anything more about his situation, he discovers that he has already been reduced to a Torch—merely a scrap of memory waiting to be extinguished.
Satoshi Hino is an American-born Japanese voice actor. In January 2015 he and fellow voice talent Saki Nakajima annou...
See Satoshi Hino's other roles →Rie Kugimiya is a Japanese singer and voice actress affiliated with I'm Enterprise. Some of Kugimiya's most prominen...
See Rie Kugimiya's other roles →Masashi Ebara was born on May 4, 1953 and is currently 71 years old.
See Masashi Ebara's other roles →Hitomi Nabatame was born on August 4, 1976 and is currently 47 years old.
See Hitomi Nabatame's other roles →Mitsuo Iwata was born on July 31, 1967 in Saitama, Japan. He is an actor and voice actor, known for Akira (1988), Pap...
See Mitsuo Iwata's other roles →Mamiko Noto is a Japanese voice actress and singer working under Office Osawa. Noto was born in Ishikawa Prefecture....
See Mamiko Noto's other roles →Kenta Miyake is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with 81 Produce.
See Kenta Miyake's other roles →Shizuka Itoh is a Japanese voice actress and singer from Tokyo. She is represented by Ken Production. She won Best su...
See Shizuka Itoh's other roles →Ayako Kawasumi is a Japanese voice actress and singer. She is affectionately referred to by her fellow voice actors a...
See Ayako Kawasumi's other roles →Tomo Sakurai is a Japanese actress, voice actress and singer. Sakurai was a member of I'm Enterprise, but later becam...
See Tomo Sakurai's other roles →Hirofumi Nojima was born on April 16, 1973 and is currently 51 years old.
See Hirofumi Nojima's other roles →Kenji Nojima was born March 16, 1976 in Suginami, Tokyo, Japan. He is a voice actor (seiyuu), singer and narrator emp...
See Kenji Nojima's other roles →