Cast and Crew of Second Time Lucky

Cast of
Second Time Lucky

About Second Time Lucky

  • Released on October 18, 1984

In the beginning the Devil made a bet with God. The Devil backed Eve, God backed Adam. What would have happened to love and sex if Adam hadn't taken the bite?

Full Cast of Second Time Lucky

Diane Franklin
plays Eve

Roger Wilson
plays Adam

Jon Gadsby
plays Gabriel

Robert Helpmann
plays The Devil

Robert Morley
plays God

John-Michael Howson
plays The Devil's Assistant

William Ewens
plays Chuck

Eunice Ewens
plays Abby

Erna Larsen
plays Suzy

David Weatherley
plays British Officer

David Weatherley as British Officer

David Weatherley was born on March 1, 1939 and is currently 85 years old.

See David Weatherley's other roles

Alistair Browning
plays Technician 1

Alistair Browning as Technician 1

Alistair Browning was born on February 8, 1954 and passed away 5 years ago at the age of 65 on June 2, 2019.

See Alistair Browning's other roles

Derek Payne
plays Colonel Anderson

Crew of Second Time Lucky

Discover the backstage crew of Second Time Lucky →