Cast of
Schulman Show

About Schulman Show

Schulman show is a web-TV program on which premiered 30 October 2009. It is structured as a talk show in which TV host Alex Schulman talks with recurrent Ann Söderlund and Markus Larsson and usually a guest in each program. The topics are current entertainment events. Each program has had between 350,000 and 500,000 viewers, making it the Swedish breakthrough for Web TV.

Main Cast of Schulman Show

Markus Larsson
plays Panelist (25 episodes)

Alex Schulman
plays Host (25 episodes)

Alex Schulman as Host

Swedish journalist, blogger and television and radio personality.

See Alex Schulman's other roles

Ann Söderlund
plays Panelist (25 episodes)

Secondary Cast of Schulman Show

Carolina Gynning
plays Guest (1 episode)

Carolina Gynning as Guest

Carolina Gynning was born on October 6, 1978 and is currently 45 years old.

See Carolina Gynning's other roles

Filip Hammar
plays Guest (1 episode)

David Hellenius
plays Guest (1 episode)

Robert Aschberg
plays Guest (1 episode)

Jackie Ferm
plays Guest (1 episode)

Linda Rosing
plays Guest (1 episode)

Jan Guillou
plays Guest (1 episode)

Pernilla Wahlgren
plays Guest (1 episode)

Martin Stenmarck
plays Guest (1 episode)

Petra Mede
plays Panelist (1 episode)

Renée Nyberg
plays Guest (1 episode)

Calle Schulman
plays Panelist (1 episode)

Adam Alsing
plays Guest (1 episode)

Jan Helin
plays Guest (1 episode)

Felix Herngren
plays Guest (1 episode)

Åsa Waldau
plays Guest (1 episode)

Andreas Johnson
plays Guest (1 episode)

Annika Lantz
plays Guest (1 episode)

plays Guest (1 episode)

Lisette Schulman
plays Guest (1 episode)

Crew of Schulman Show

Discover the backstage crew of Schulman Show →