Samurai 7 is a 2004 anime TV series, produced by Gonzo and based on Akira Kurosawa's highly regarded 1954 movie Seven Samurai. The series was directed by Toshifumi Takizawa and its music was composed by Kaoru Wada and Eitetsu Hayashi. There are 26 episodes, each costing around ¥32,500,000 to produce.
The series premiered across Japan on the anime satellite television network, Animax, as an exclusive high definition CS-PPV broadcast, and was also later aired by the network across its other respective networks worldwide, including Southeast Asia, South Asia, Latin America and other regions. Funimation Entertainment acquired the dubbing rights for the North American release. It previously aired in America through the Independent Film Channel in April 2006 and in high definition on Dish Networks Animania HD channel. It has also been broadcast across Canada by specialty channel Razer and across Hong Kong by TVB Jade. The Funimation Channel aired the series on September 6, 2010. It began airing on Adult Swim's revived Toonami block on August 19, 2012. and ended its run on February 10, 2013.
Shin-ichiro Miki is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with 81 Produce and most known for his role as Kojiro (James) i...
See Shin-ichiro Miki's other roles →Takehito Koyasu is a Japanese voice actor. Koyasu is part of the voice actor quartet Weiß consisting of Weiß Kreuz vo...
See Takehito Koyasu's other roles →Tetsu Inada (稲田 徹, Inada Tetsu) is a Japanese voice actor (seiyuu) who currently works for Aoni Production.
See Tetsu Inada's other roles →Romi Park is a Japanese actress and voice actress of Korean descent. At the first Seiyuu Awards, she won an award for...
See Romi Park's other roles →Chiwa Saito (斎藤 千和, Saitō Chiwa) is a Japanese voice actress employed by I'm Enterprise. Saitō is one half of the voi...
See Chiwa Saito's other roles →Masaki Terasoma (てらそま まさき, Terasoma Masaki) is a Japanese actor and voice actor who grew up in Osaka Prefecture. He i...
See Masaki Terasoma's other roles →Fumiko Orikasa ( born December 27, 1974 in Taito, Tokyo) is a Japanese voice actress and singer who works for Atomic ...
See Fumiko Orikasa's other roles →