Cast and Crew of Sai de Baixo

Sai de Baixo

"Sai de Baixo" is a beloved Brazilian television series that offers a humorous yet poignant glimpse into the lives of a dysfunctional family, as well as the quirky individuals who intersect with their world. At the center of the story is the vividly portrayed character Vavá, played by the talented Luis Gustavo, whose comedic timing and relatable struggles captivate audiences. Alongside him is the indomitable Cassandra, brought to life by Aracy Balabanian, whose sharp wit and personality inject a playful energy into the show. Together, they navigate the complexities of family life, full of misunderstandings and unexpected developments that resonate with viewers.

The series unfolds within the confines of a bustling apartment building, where the interactions between the dysfunctional family members, their maid, and the doorman create a tapestry of comedic escapades and heartfelt moments. Each episode showcases the trials and tribulations of living under one roof, highlighting the absurdities of everyday life. The maid and the doorman serve as pivotal characters, providing unique perspectives and often serving as the voice of reason amidst the chaos. Their interactions further enrich the storyline, revealing the intricacies of relationships that exist in a shared living environment.

As the narrative progresses, "Sai de Baixo" delves deeper into the dynamics of family ties, exposing both the humor and pathos that can stem from love, conflict, and misunderstandings. The show brilliantly captures the essence of Brazilian culture and societal norms through its engaging characters and witty dialogue. With a perfect blend of laughter and emotion, it resonates with audiences, making it a timeless classic that continues to be celebrated by fans of all ages.

Main Cast of Sai de Baixo

Secondary Cast of Sai de Baixo

Rodrigo Santoro as Gama

Rodrigo Santoro

as Gama (1 episode)

Rodrigo Junqueira dos Reis Santoro is a Brazilian actor. He has appeared in many successful movies, including Brainst...

Cida Marques

Tatiana Turtelli

Yolanda Cardoso

Fat Family


Ernani Moraes

Ernani Moraes

Ernani Moraes was born on May 23, 1967 and is currently 57 years old.

Marinara Costa

Netinho de Paula

Crew of Sai de Baixo

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