Based on the classic Grimm Brothers tale The Handless Maiden, and Stephanie Oakes’ novel The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly, and adapted and updated by Tucker, Sacred Lies is about a handless teen who escapes from a cult and finds herself in juvenile detention, suspected of knowing who killed her cult leader.
Kimiko Glenn was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ, where she grew up with her sister Amanda, and parents Mark and Sumik...
Juliette Lake Lewis (born June 21, 1973) is an American actress and singer. She is known for her portrayals of offbea...
Leah Gibson was born on January 3, 1985 and is currently 39 years old.
Kiana Alexa Madeira (born November 4, 1992) is a Canadian actress. She is known for her work in the Netflix televisio...
Kevin Carroll is an American television, film and stage actor born in Salisbury, North Carolina.
Ryan Robbins (born November 26) is a Canadian actor. He was married to the actress Rebecca Reichert (separated in 201...