Cast of
Rock-a-Die Baby

About Rock-a-Die Baby

A premonition comes true when the members of a rock group begin to die off for no apparent reason.

Full Cast of Rock-a-Die Baby

Kim Milford
plays Kim

Gaille Heidemann
plays Gaille

Stash Wagner
plays Stash

Mike Baird
plays Mike

David Foster
plays David

David Foster as David

David Foster was born on November 1, 1949 and is currently 74 years old.

See David Foster's other roles

Richard Schaal
plays Vic

Jenny O'Hara
plays Shelley

Jenny O'Hara as Shelley

Patricia Joanne "Jenny" O'Hara (born February 24, 1942) is an American film, television, and stage actress. She is be...

See Jenny O'Hara's other roles

Paul William Davidson
plays Ron

Philip Bruns
plays Lt. John Anderson

Dennis Erdman

Duncan Gamble
plays Jeremy

Dixie Marquis

Lance Wakely
plays Panda

Mitchell Group
plays Janitor

Susan E. Morse
plays Sally

Crew of Rock-a-Die Baby

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