A British television comedy series, written by Michael Palin and Terry Jones of Monty Python fame. Following an initial pilot episode in January 1976, it ran for two subsequent series of five and three episodes in October 1977 and October 1979 respectively. Each episode had a different setting and characters, looking at a different aspect of British culture and parodying pre-World War II literature aimed at schoolboys.
Peter Greene (born Peter Green; October 8, 1965) is an American character actor. A native of Montclair, New Jersey, ...
Amy Marie Yasbeck (born September 12, 1962) is an American film and television actress. She is best known for her rol...
Richard Jeni was born on April 14, 1957 and passed away 17 years ago at the age of 49 on March 10, 2007.
Anne Fletcher (born May 1, 1966) is an American film director and choreographer. Fletcher took dance lessons as a ch...
John Marwood Cleese (born 27 October 1939) is an English actor, comedian, writer and film producer. He achieved succe...
Kenneth Colley (born 7 December 1937) is an English actor. A long-time character actor, he came to wider prominence t...
Timothy Carlton was born on October 4, 1939 and is currently 85 years old.
Denholm Mitchell Elliott, CBE (31 May 1922 – 6 October 1992) was an English actor of stage and screen, with over 120 ...
Michael Edward Palin, CBE FRGS (born 5 May 1943) is an English comedian, actor, writer and television presenter best ...