In the captivating universe of "Rick and Morty: The Anime," we are greeted with a familiar yet uniquely transformed cast. The eccentric genius, Rick Sanchez, is masterfully voiced by Yohei Tadano, who manages to capture Rick's signature nonchalance and unpredictable nature. The anime adaptation introduces a new layer of depth to the character, with Tadano's performance adding a touch of Japanese sensibility to Rick's audacious antics.
Meanwhile, Morty Smith, the anxious and often out-of-his-depth grandson of Rick, is voiced by the talented Keisuke Chiba. Chiba brings a level of vulnerability and relatability to Morty, making him a character viewers can root for amidst the chaos. In this anime rendition, Morty finds himself falling in love, adding a charming subplot to the series' usual mayhem.
The other members of the Smith family also find themselves in their own peculiar adventures. Summer, Rick's granddaughter, is seen assisting Space Beth, adding an intriguing dynamic to the series. The anime adaptation breathes new life into these characters, offering a fresh perspective on their complex relationships and individual journeys. With the Smith family's lives unfolding in a pseudo-world and now transformed into anime, viewers are in for a treat as they dive into this innovative spinoff of the beloved "Rick and Morty" series.
Fuminori Komatsu (小松 史法, Komatsu Fuminori, July 23, 1978) is a Japanese voice actor from Tokyo. Currently freelance, ...
Chika Anzai (安済 知佳, Anzai Chika, December 22, 1990) is a Japanese voice actress from Fukui Prefecture. She is affilia...
Fuminori Komatsu (小松 史法, Komatsu Fuminori, July 23, 1978) is a Japanese voice actor from Tokyo. Currently freelance, ...
Tatsuhiro Kikuchi was born on March 2, 1987 and is currently 37 years old.