"Rest in Peace" is a gripping and emotional movie that follows the story of a man named Sergio Dayan, played by the talented Joaquín Furriel. Sergio is a father who finds himself in a dire financial situation, unable to provide for his family and drowning in debt. In a moment of desperation, he takes advantage of an unforeseen situation and decides to disappear, starting a new life under a false identity and living off the grid.
Griselda Siciliani delivers a powerful performance as Estela Dayan, Sergio's wife and the mother of their children. Estela is left in the dark, unaware of her husband's whereabouts and struggling to make ends meet. As she tries to hold her family together and move on from the pain of Sergio's abandonment, she is faced with the harsh reality of being a single parent and the challenges that come with it.
But just as Sergio begins to find some semblance of peace in his new life, a chance event occurs that brings his old life back to the forefront. The temptation to want to know his family and see how they are doing becomes too great, and Sergio must decide whether to continue living in hiding or to reconnect with his past and face the consequences of his actions. "Rest in Peace" is a moving and thought-provoking movie that explores the complexities of family, love, and the lengths we will go to in order to protect those we care about.