"Redemption" is a gripping drama that follows the story of Orhun, a successful businessman who was raised in a wealthy but loveless family. Along with his twin sister Nihan, younger sister Nurşah, and their cold, distant mother Afife, Orhun's life is one of privilege but devoid of affection. When Nihan, who has been doing volunteer work as a doctor in Eritrea, goes missing and cannot be contacted, Orhun sets out on a mission to find her.
During his search, Orhun encounters Hira, a poor girl who has been living a life of captivity at the hands of traffickers. When they receive the devastating news that Nihan has been poisoned and killed by a local gang, Orhun is consumed with grief and a burning desire for revenge. But when he discovers that it was actually Hira who poisoned his sister, Orhun's thirst for revenge takes a dark turn. He decides to marry Hira as a way to exact his revenge on her, and to spite his mother Afife, who has always looked down on those of lower status and is obsessed with the idea of "pure blood."
As the story unfolds, the audience is left wondering if this twisted plan will bring about the redemption that Orhun and Hira so desperately seek, or if it will only lead to further heartache and destruction. Afife, who has kept Orhun's father away since his childhood, is also left to grapple with the consequences of her obsession with status and bloodlines. As the characters navigate their complex relationships and emotions, "Redemption" explores themes of family, revenge, and the search for redemption in the face of tragedy.