Cast and Crew of Red, White and Blue

Cast of
Red, White and Blue

About Red, White and Blue

  • Released on December 04, 2020

A hard-hitting indictment of structural injustice and a penetrating portrait of a complex man. Red, White and Blue stars John Boyega as Leroy Logan, a research scientist whose decision to join London’s notoriously racist Metropolitan Police, in hopes of reforming it from the inside, brings him into conflict with his family, community, and very sense of self. Based on a true story, this exploration of Margaret Thatcher–era racial tensions portrays the psychic struggle of a lone man going up against a system designed to crush him.

Full Cast of Red, White and Blue

Liam Garrigan

Liam Garrigan

Liam Garrigan was born on October 17, 1981 and is currently 42 years old.

See Liam Garrigan's other roles