Cast of
Rangi's Catch

About Rangi's Catch

  • Released on January 01, 1972
  • Family

Four children on a remote sheep station in New Zealand hear of the escape of two convicts, and realise that the crooks are responsible for burgling their house.

Full Cast of Rangi's Catch

Christine Elsdon

Kate Forlong

Temuera Morrison

Temuera Morrison

Temuera Derek Morrison (born December 26, 1960) is a New Zealand actor. He has become one of the country's most famou...

See Temuera Morrison's other roles

Andrew Kerr

Ian Mune
plays Jake

Ian Mune as Jake

Ian Mune was born on January 1, 1941 and is currently 83 years old.

See Ian Mune's other roles

Crew of Rangi's Catch

Discover the backstage crew of Rangi's Catch →