Ayato and Haruka are middle-school sweethearts whose lives take a dire turn when the mysterious Mu invade Tokyo in the year 2012. Protecting humanity from the Mu may be Ayato's destiny, but what he really wants is to regain the relationship he once had with Haruka... a love that will have to transcend space, time, and reality itself.
Hiro Shimono is a Japanese voice actor and singer affiliated with I'm Enterprise. His notable roles include Keima Kat...
See Hiro Shimono's other roles →Houko Kuwashima is a Japanese voice actress and singer.
See Houko Kuwashima's other roles →From Wikipedia: Chikao Ohtsuka (大塚 周夫) was a Japanese voice actor. He was most known for the roles of Captain Hook (...
See Chikao Ohtsuka's other roles →Kakazu Yumi (real name: 嘉数 由美, same reading) was born on June 18, 1973 in Kamifukuoka, Saitama (now Fujimino, Saitama...
See Yumi Kakazu's other roles →Ayako Kawasumi is a Japanese voice actress and singer. She is affectionately referred to by her fellow voice actors a...
See Ayako Kawasumi's other roles →Jouji Nakata is a Japanese actor, voice actor, and narrator who is affiliated with the Office Osawa agency. His major...
See Jouji Nakata's other roles →Hirofumi Nojima was born on April 16, 1973 and is currently 51 years old.
See Hirofumi Nojima's other roles →Fumiko Orikasa ( born December 27, 1974 in Taito, Tokyo) is a Japanese voice actress and singer who works for Atomic ...
See Fumiko Orikasa's other roles →Aya Hisakawa is a Japanese voice actress and singer affiliated with Aoni Production. She voices some of her roles in...
See Aya Hisakawa's other roles →