Cast of
Raagni - The Movie

About Raagni - The Movie

  • Released on November 15, 2019
  • Drama

RAAAGNI THE MOVIE - is a British bilingual film for cinema release, dialogues (English /Urdu, though mainly in English). The film is set in London and is based on the struggles of an unknown aspiring musician.

Full Cast of Raagni - The Movie

Zoha Rahman
plays Ambar

Diljohn Sidhu
plays Sahir

Shakeel Akhtar
plays Armaan

Kurt Erickson
plays Prof. Charles Taylor

Sandeep Garcha
plays Mrs Baig

Mohd Qureshi
plays Mr Baig

Ravi Dhruv
plays Rizwan

James Gillick
plays Michael James

Adeel Akhtar
plays Maulana Wahdi

Adeel Akhtar as Maulana Wahdi

Akhtar is known for the bumbling Muslim extremist Faisal in Chris Morris's film Four Lions. Other comedic performance...

See Adeel Akhtar's other roles

Farah Malvi
plays Elizabeth

Zak Ghafar
plays Dr Ali

Crew of Raagni - The Movie

Discover the backstage crew of Raagni - The Movie →