In the enchanting world of animated films, one character has effortlessly captured the hearts of audiences with his enigmatic charm and unmatched swashbuckling skills: Puss in Boots. This suave feline, brought to life by the sultry voice of Antonio Banderas, embarks on a thrilling adventure long before his initial introduction in the "Shrek" universe. Indeed, "Puss in Boots" takes viewers on a mesmerizing journey as they discover the origins of this legendary hero.
Accompanying Puss in this exhilarating escapade is an equally captivating duo, lending their voices to the quirky yet determined characters Kitty Softpaws and Humpty Dumpty. Kitty Softpaws, voiced by the talented Salma Hayek Pinault, is not one to be underestimated. She is a fierce, street-smart alley cat who can hold her own against any adversary. These two primary characters are joined by Humpty Dumpty, a scheming yet lovable mastermind with an intriguing backstory, setting the stage for an unforgettable tale of camaraderie and redemption.
Together, this unlikely trio sets out on a daring adventure in an attempt to save Puss in Boots's hometown from imminent peril. With tightrope action sequences and breathtaking landscapes, "Puss in Boots" immerses viewers in a richly textured medieval world filled with danger and deception. As the seemingly insurmountable odds stack against them, Puss, Kitty Softpaws, and Humpty Dumpty embark on a quest to unravel the truth behind the fabled mystical beans - the very beans that hold the power to ascend them to legendary hero status. This is the true story of The Cat, The Myth, The Legend... The Boots.
Full Cast of Puss in Boots
Antonio Banderas
as Puss in Boots (voice)
Antonio Banderas delivers a captivating performance as Puss in Boots in the eponymous film, bringing his charismatic charm and rich voice to the iconic character. His portrayal of the swashbuckling feline is filled with wit, humor, and a touch of roguish flair that makes Puss an endearing and unforgettable protagonist. Banderas's performance not only showcases his vocal talents but also highlights his ability to create a character that is both entertaining and emotionally resonant, making Puss in Boots a must-watch for fans of animated movies.
Salma Hayek Pinault
as Kitty Softpaws (voice)
Salma Hayek Pinault delivers a delightful performance as Kitty Softpaws in the animated film 'Puss in Boots'. Her character, a skilled and cunning feline thief, is brought to life with Hayek Pinault's charming and playful voice acting. She adds a layer of charisma and wit to Kitty Softpaws, making her a captivating and enjoyable character to watch. Hayek Pinault's performance is a standout in the film, contributing to the overall entertainment value and success of 'Puss in Boots'.
Zach Galifianakis
as Humpty Dumpty (voice)
Zach Galifianakis's performance as Humpty Dumpty in 'Puss in Boots' is a delightful blend of humor and heart. His voice acting brings a unique charm to the character, making Humpty Dumpty a lovable anti-hero. Galifianakis's comedic timing is impeccable, adding a layer of wit and sarcasm to the role. However, it's his ability to convey Humpty's vulnerability and longing for redemption that truly sets his performance apart, making it a standout in the film.
Billy Bob Thornton
as Jack (voice)
Billy Bob Thornton delivers a delightfully wicked performance as Jack, the villainous antagonist in the animated film "Puss in Boots". His voice acting is a perfect blend of menace and humor, as he brings to life a character that is both cunning and charismatic. Thornton's Jack is a worthy adversary for Puss, with his deep, gravelly voice adding an extra layer of intimidation to his schemes. His performance is a standout in the film, providing a memorable and entertaining villain that viewers love to hate.
Amy Sedaris
as Jill (voice)
Amy Sedaris's performance as Jill in 'Puss in Boots' is a delightful addition to the film. As the voice of the lovable and quirky goose, Sedaris brings a unique energy and humor to the character. Her comedic timing and distinctive voice make Jill a standout character, providing a perfect contrast to the more serious and adventurous main characters. Sedaris's performance adds a layer of warmth and fun to the movie, making it a joy to watch for both children and adults.
Constance Marie
as Imelda (voice)
Constance Marie delivers a captivating performance as Imelda, Puss in Boots' mother, in the animated film. Her voice acting brings warmth, strength, and maternal love to the character, making Imelda a standout in the movie. Marie's delivery of her lines adds depth to Imelda's personality, making her both fierce and nurturing. Her performance truly enhances the overall quality of the film and leaves a lasting impression on viewers.
Rich Dietl
as Bounty Hunter (voice)
Ryan Crego
as Luis (voice)
Bob Joles
as Giuseppe (voice)
Robert Joles (born July 16, 1959, in Glendora, California) is an American voice actor and musician. He is known for v...
Jessica Schulte
as Estella Maria (voice)
Roberto Donati
as Various (voice) (uncredited)
Crew of Puss in Boots
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backstage crew of Puss in Boots →