Cast of
Promised Land

About Promised Land

  • Released on September 10, 2002
  • Drama

A young, emigrated, South African man comes back to South Africa to sell his mothers farm.

Full Cast of Promised Land

Nick Boraine
plays George Neethling

Lida Botha
plays Kotie

Daniel Browde
plays Paul

Tobie Cronje
plays Fanie Raubenheimer

Dan Robbertse
plays Hendrik

Ian Roberts
plays Gerhard Snyman

Ian Roberts as Gerhard Snyman

Ian Roberts was born on July 29, 1965 and is currently 58 years old.

See Ian Roberts's other roles

Michael J. Fox

Michael J. Fox

Michael Andrew Fox OC (born June 9, 1961), known professionally as Michael J. Fox, is a Canadian-American retired act...

See Michael J. Fox's other roles

Crew of Promised Land

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