Cast of
Portrait of a Teenage Shoplifter

About Portrait of a Teenage Shoplifter

  • Released on December 01, 1981

Teenager becomes involved in the thrill of shoplifting with her friends, until she is inevitably caught in the act.

Full Cast of Portrait of a Teenage Shoplifter

Maureen Teefy
plays Karen Hughes

Laura Dean
plays Trisha Marcus

Laura Dean as Trisha Marcus

Laura Dean was born on May 27, 1963 and is currently 61 years old.

See Laura Dean's other roles

Katherine Kamhi
plays Becky

Joe Spinell
plays Door Guard

Joe Spinell as Door Guard

​Joe Spinell was born Joseph J. Spagnuolo in Manhattan, New York of Italian immigrant parents, and the last of six ch...

See Joe Spinell's other roles

Crew of Portrait of a Teenage Shoplifter

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