Cast and Crew of Parallel Mothers

Cast of
Parallel Mothers

About Parallel Mothers

  • Released on October 08, 2021
  • Drama

Two unmarried women who have become pregnant by accident and are about to give birth meet in a hospital room: Janis, in her late-thirties, unrepentant and happy; Ana, a teenager, remorseful and frightened.

Full Cast of Parallel Mothers

Adelfa Calvo

Adelfa Calvo

Adelfa Calvo was born on April 5, 1962 and is currently 62 years old.

See Adelfa Calvo's other roles

Milena Smit
plays Ana

Milena Smit as Ana

Milena Smit was born on 5 October 1996 in Elche, Spain. She first started working in show business as a model when sh...

See Milena Smit's other roles

Penélope Cruz
plays Janis

Penélope Cruz as Janis

Penélope Cruz Sánchez (born 28 April 1974) is a Spanish actress. Known for her roles in films of several genres, part...

See Penélope Cruz's other roles