Tyrese Gibson

Tyrese Gibson
Movie and TV Credits

Tyrese Gibson was born on December 30, 1978 and is currently 46 years old.

About Tyrese Gibson

Meet Tyrese Darnell Gibson, a multi-talented artist born on December 30, 1978, who goes simply by the name Tyrese. This American gem is not only a Grammy-nominated R&B singer and songwriter but also an accomplished actor, author, television producer, former fashion model, and VJ for MTV. Among his many accolades, Tyrese is best known for his unforgettable portrayal of Roman Pearce in the popular Fast and the Furious film series. With such a diverse range of talents, Tyrese continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

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Movie Credits

Tyrese Gibson has appeared in 42 movies.

Some of Tyrese Gibson's most popular movies include:

TV Credits

Tyrese Gibson has appeared in 24 TV Series.

Some of the most popular TV Shows include: