Raffaella Carrà

Raffaella Carrà
Movie and TV Credits

Movie Credits

Raffaella Carrà has appeared in 4 movies.

These include Von Ryan's Express, European Nights, My Heart Goes Boom! and Colpi di fortuna.

TV Credits

Raffaella Carrà has appeared in 12 TV Series.

These include TV Story Superstar, Sanremo Music Festival, Domenica In, Musikladen, Starparade, Chi ha incastrato Peter Pan?, Disco, Musik aus Studio B, Top of the Pops, Viña del Mar International Song Festival, Les Rendez-vous du dimanche and Le Grand Échiquier.

Production Credits

Raffaella Carrà has 2 production credits.


Credited for Songs in 1 show - My Heart Goes Boom!.
Credited for Music in 1 show - Emigratis.