Rachel Kimsey

Rachel Kimsey
Movie and TV Credits

Rachel Kimsey was born on August 28, 1978 and is currently 45 years old.

About Rachel Kimsey

Actor, Voice Actor, Teacher and Coach, you'll most likely find her behind a microphone or on a set, doing voiceover for cartoons, video games, TV and radio or making film and television. If not there look for her at the BGB Studio where she teaches acting and coach auditions. Wherever you find her, chances are she'll have a smile on her face and a plan for a new adventure.

Movie Credits

Rachel Kimsey has appeared in 6 movies.

These include Daylight Fades, James Bond: In Service of Nothing, Constantine: City of Demons - The Movie, Don't Look Under the Bed, Justice League: Warworld and The Transfiguration.

TV Credits

Rachel Kimsey has appeared in 10 TV Series.

These include We're Alive: Frontier, Constantine: City of Demons, Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?, Moonlight, X-Men '97, Justice League Action, Masters of Sex, Heroes, NCIS and Medium.

Production Credits

Rachel Kimsey has 2 production credits.


Credited for Stunts in 1 show - Taxi.
Credited for Utility Stunts in 1 show - Taxi.